Monday, January 29, 2007

just this moment...

rejection is becoming apart of my daily schedule...
i really try not to internalize the "no thanks", and move on...
but i can't right now.
i feel dull.
my heart is heavy.
as much faith and optimism that i SCREAM....
right now feels awful.
it's becoming hard for me to open reply emails.
i just stare at the subject line...mentally
scolding myself for expecting the worst.
...but each time, it's always the worst.
i am broken.
my thoughts are so cloudy...and my focus
is non existant.

i cry because this realityis uncomfortable.
constant rejection....
i keep saying, well if you want something different, try
something different. i'm running out of ideas.
i know what i want to do...
just struggling to get it done.


give thanks.

1 comment:

teresa said...

rejection does suck, but so many of us are so afraid of it that we never even attempt to live what our dreams are. you are brave. and talented. and i am holding sheer light, success and positivity in my mind for you.
