Monday, June 06, 2005

oddly enough...

...grandma had a relapse an is unconcious....

hey ma....
one day a bunny hopped into a meadow. this was no meadow of this world. for what replaced grass were stalks of jellybeans. all color jellybeans, and an abundance of green ones. the bunny thought she was in heaven and proceeded to hop further into the meadow. she looked up into the sky only to see a huge orange ball. no actual orange took the place of the sun. it began to rain orange grinds that were filled with juice. as the bunny's fur got sticky, she approached a waterfall to clean her body. at the bottom of the waterfall was a bubbling brook...she hopped right in....only to become inebriated. the bunny had jumped into a lake filled with moet champagne. not too long after the bunny just began to aimlessly float down the river on her back. she no longer had any strength to continue swimming, for her drunkeness began to take over her body. the relaxing feeling of floating down the lake quickly put the bunny to sleep. she floated. floated. and floated some more.
eventually, the bunny woke up against a dam. a dam made out of graham (?) crackers. damn! she began to eat some more. the bunny no longer remembered drinking and subconciously was eating to soak up the alcohol in her tummy. once she got full, she climbed out of the bank..and just laid out on her back gazing at the orange in the sky.
.....all i got so 2.....comes later.
i LOVE u....this is unfortunately all i could think to say. MUAH.

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